Our extensive network of collaborations spans numerous private and federal funders, along with a multitude of prestigious organizations and institutions nationwide. Discover the breadth of our partnerships by using the filters below to explore our current clients and past collaborations.
NC Dept. of Commerce – NC WORKS
State University of New York at Old Westbury – LEAP-UP
The general form of the traineeship is split across two years, with the traineeships typically beginning as students enter their final two years of [...]
Harvard Medical School – Harvard SCi
The Scientific Citizenship Initiative (SCi) at Harvard Medical School works with students, educators, and communities to identify critical issues, challenge norms, and uphold a [...]
Mikva Challenge Grant Foundation
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Lab Climate Survey (LCS)
In light of the ongoing work to address structural inequities within academia and specifically within the department, a team at UNC-CH has crafted and [...]
Spelman College – Spelman/MSU Data Science
In a combined synergistic effort, Spelman College, the Atlanta University Center Data Science Initiative and Michigan State University (MSU) seek to address issues of [...]
Noble Street Charter – Caregiver Choice Study
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) offers a wide variety of school and program options for students, and the Caregiver Choice Study (CCS) aimed to better [...]