
North Carolina A&T State University – PrIDE

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North Carolina A&T State University, 1601 E Market St, Greensboro, North Carolina 27401, United States, United States

The Program for Innovation Driving Entrepreneurship (PrIDE) in Engineering Scholars is an NSF-funded SSTEM program which aims to provide academically strong, low income students (organized into two cohorts) with four years of funding. Students selected for the program are allowed to major in any of the undergraduate engineering programs in the College of Engineering (CoE) at North Carolina A&T State University. The PrIDE program strives to accomplish six objectives.

Obj1) Recruit and select high achieving, low income students to the PrIDE Scholars programs with emphasis on rural areas Obj2) Promote academic success, progression, and excellence of PrIDE scholars Obj3) Assess the effect and sustainability of the Learn-Do-Lead model to improve student academic performance, motivation and leadership development Obj4) Determine the impact of innovation on student motivation and academic success within the context of Engineering Grand Challenges Scholar program Obj5) Provide sustainable impact for the CoE through introduction of student development activities, and formalization of the learn-do-lead model