The long-term objective of UNC PREP in the Biomedical Sciences is to increase the number of individuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical workforce to become leaders that can significantly impact the health- related research needs of the nation. The immediate goal of UNC PREP is to equip, encourage, and empower talented post-baccalaureates scholars from underrepresented groups to matriculate and excel in top biological and biomedical graduate programs. Since its inception in 2010, UNC PREP has strived to support the unique needs of each scholar and to facilitate their transition into competitive PhD programs and research careers. In this renewal, we will continue to provide immersive, high-quality research experiences, relevant comprehensive professional development training, supportive program staff with scientific research backgrounds, and a cohesive community of like-minded scholars with similar professional goals. An overarching framework of UNC PREP is a programmatic design where each scholar can develop their “science identity” and acquire scientific self-efficacy so that they see themselves as belonging in the greater scientific community. UNC PREP provides each trainee with an institutional network of colleagues and mentors who can offer guidance and support success throughout their career. With these goals in mind, we are expanding our student support efforts by introducing a new initiative that will leverage the now extensive UNC PREP alumni network. “PREP T.R.A.I.L.S. (Training Researchers with Alumni to Ignite Leaders in Science)” is geared towards providing targeted mentorship, networking, and career exploration for our scholars by providing social engagement, improving sense of belonging within the local scientific community, and to helping scholars envision a career path. In addition, the specific aims for UNC PREP will continue to be 1) to formulate and carry out Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for each scholar, 2) to provide an immersive research experience under the direction of a UNC faculty member (75% time), 3) to provide comprehensive relevant coursework, professional development, and networking (25% time) for building additional skills important for a successful science career. The program components will be continuously evaluated using quantitative and qualitative measures of student progress and outcomes and will drive evolution of program components to maximize positive outcomes and the development of well trained and prepared scholars. During the first 12 years of UNC PREP, 93% of our scholars transitioned into competitive biomedical PhD programs with 88% retention or completion of these programs. This renewal will continue to build upon the highly effective strategies of UNC PREP. Ultimate success of UNC PREP will be defined as scholars completing PhD programs and transitioning into scientific leadership positions such as academic faculty, lead scientists in industry or government, or in other STEM careers.
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North Carolina, United States