Our extensive network of collaborations spans numerous private and federal funders, along with a multitude of prestigious organizations and institutions nationwide. Discover the breadth of our partnerships by using the filters below to explore our current clients and past collaborations.
Florida Atlantic University – IUSE
Harvard Medical School – Harvard SCi
The Scientific Citizenship Initiative (SCi) at Harvard Medical School works with students, educators, and communities to identify critical issues, challenge norms, and uphold a [...]
Cheyney University – Breaking Barriers
Hampton University – U01
Researchers at Hampton University are conducting a study in evidence-based practices to improve the graduation of students in STEM. The purpose of the research [...]
Mikva Challenge Grant Foundation
Spelman College – CoE
The purpose of the Center of Excellence for Minority Women in STEM is to serve as the hub for all STEM undergraduate research and [...]
North Carolina A&T State University – PrIDE
The Program for Innovation Driving Entrepreneurship (PrIDE) in Engineering Scholars is an NSF-funded SSTEM program which aims to provide academically strong, low income students [...]
Medgar Evers College – MSEIP
The Bridging the Gap project at Medgar Evers College (MEC) proposes to establish a
stronger, more cohesive and supporting educational infrastructure across all STEM
Livingstone College – HBCU-UP
The Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) at Livingstone College (LC) is an NSF-funded implementation project that seeks to expand the [...]
Livingstone College – S-STEM
The Inaugural Scholarship Program in Research and Entrepreneurship (InSPIRE) program at Livingstone College is an NSF-funded Track 1 S-STEM program which aims create a [...]